2015 in review - part 1 • Maryland Family photography

I decided to do this BEST OF 2015 to share some of the best moments I had with clients and also some more personal shots. I am going to post all January long so stay tuned! There is no particular order nor theme as i wanted to get it done! So pardon the mess :)

You will find some Storytelling family sessions shot mostly at home with kids or babies, Fresh 48 sessions at hospitals, a backyard wedding, some of our vacation trips to Florida, Smith mountain Lake, VA, and my family daily life with my kids and husband. 
And if you don't see yourself yet, wait for next week.

*Size matters*
click on the images to see them larger. Your eyes will thank you.

Would you like a photoshoot of your family to document your days? I'll be happy to do so for you.
And no worries about travels, I'll come to you!

Juliette Fradin Photography specializes in Storytelling family photography in Maryland, Washington, DC and surroundings.