Turning One year old at home • Documentary photographer in Maryland

Here is a Day in the Life session of my friend Christine, a few months ago when I visited them in Baltimore for their daughter's first birthday.

They wanted to do something simple and intimate, just the 4 of them, at home (second child problem??!). I couldn't be happier about that. The session was relaxed: we ate brunch, the baby went to sleep, they played outside and celebrated the little Miss. More than just  a pose and a smile I really aim to take pictures for the family's history. I hope in a few years, the grown-up kids will show their own children their life at that particular moment and remember how it felt like. That they were cared for and loved deeply. And I love to show to the moms the incredible work they do, even though sometimes it is not as rewarding as we think. It reminds me this quote from the French poet Jacques Prévert "Plus tard ce sera trop tard. Notre vie c'est maintenant." (Later will be too late. Our life is now.").

So let's remember this day forever. 

Juliette xo

Read what Christine said about her experience: "Having a +4 hour session, Juliette was really able to capture our everyday moments from cooking, eating, reading, just being with each other. I know when I look at the pics years from now It will bring back such a feeling of our life at that moment. Truly irreplaceable. I am eventually going to make a photo book with the pictures. I love them so much!"

If you would like to book a Real life Session with me, contact me and we can discuss how to make that happen.